
When you declare the local external function as follows:

FUNCTION int BitBlt(ulong hDC, int num, int num, int num, int num, ulong HDC, int num, int num, ulong dwRop) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"

And call this declared function as follows:


After doing the deployment, you get the error reporting that the declared function is unsupported feature in the UFA report.


Cause analysis:

The root cause of this issue is that there are duplicated parameter names in the declaration of BitBlt function, to resolve t his issue, you need to change the parameter name to make each parameter have different name in the same function.


Simply, you can change the duplicated parameter names to different ones.

FUNCTION int BitBlt(ulong hDC1, int num1, int num2, int num3, int num4, ulong hDC2, int num5, int num6, ulong lParam) LIBRARY "Gdi32.dll"