
A customer reports that their database stored procedure calls and calls to internal APIs are delayed 3 or so seconds while running in a Citrix environment. There is no delays running the same code outside.


Try each of the following suggestions and see if it resolves the issue.

  1. Windows network proxy configuration.

Check if the proxy configuration on the Windows terminal server provisioned via Citrix is correct.

  1. Restrictions from security software on Windows

We recommend that you turn off the client’s anti-virus software or sign the exe file to see if this problem can be optimized.

  1. Whether Accessibility is enabled on DataWindow

If your database stored procedure calls or calls to internal APIs uses DataWindows, you can try to set AccessibiIity=0 in PB.ini file and see if it works around the issue. You can refer to the following link for details.

  1. Solutions shared by other customers on similar issues

You can find more information from the following links where other users have shared their solutions to a similar issue with a Citrix environment.

  1. Solutions from Citrix on similar issues

Here is an article about troubleshooting slow performance in your Citrix environment from Citrix official website, you can refer to the following link for the details.

  1. Compare with other working environment

If the issue doesn’t happen to other Citrix environments, you can compare and find out the differences of these environments. Then check if there are any special settings causing the issue, or if it can be resolved by upgrading the Citrix clients.
