Dear Valued Appeon Customer:

Today we are announcing that Appeon is designating PowerServer 2020.x Japanese as a LTS version so that our customers can receive long-term support on this version. According to the Appeon EOL policy, LTS Versions are eligible for Standard Support for a minimum period of 60 months. Since PowerBuilder 2019 R3 Japanese that contains PowerServer (PB Edition) 2020.x Japanese became generally available on June 30, 2021:

  • The EOMM (end of mainstream maintenance) date of PowerServer 2020.x Japanese will be no sooner than June 30, 2026;
  • The EOL (end of life) date of PowerServer 2020.x Japanese will be no sooner than June 30, 2028.

Long-term support for PowerServer 2020.x Japanese will be provided in accordance with the Appeon Standard Support policy and Appeon EOL policy to all customers with active and paid support contracts. We strongly recommend customers complete their migration to a newer version of PowerServer before June 30, 2026.

If you have any questions, please contact Appeon Technical Support by sending email to of our staff will respond to your questions or direct you to someone who can assist you.

Appeon Technical Support