

Sets the JWT token string to the HTTP request header which will be sent to the server in the following interface: Submit, SendGetRequest, SendPostRequest, SendDeleteRequest, SendPatchRequest, SendPutRequest, Retrieve, and RetrieveOne. If a token has been set in the HTTP request header, it will replace the original token.

Applies to

RESTClient objects


objectname.SetJWTToken(string jwtToken)




The name of the RESTClient object in which you want to set the JWT token.


A string value specifying the JWT token.

Return value

Integer. Returns 1 if the function succeeds and a negative value if an error occurs. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.

1 -- Success

-1 -- General error

Example 1

The following code example sets the JWT token authentication.

String ls_P028_JWTToken
Integer li_P028_GetJWTTokenReturn
RestClient lrc_P028
lrc_P028 = Create RestClient

lrc_P028.SetRequestHeaders( "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8~r~nAccept-Encoding:gzip" ) //Sets the request header
//Gets the JWT token. The second parameter provides the value according to the token server request.
li_P028_GetJWTTokenReturn=lrc_P028.GetJWTToken("", '{"Username":"user1","Password":"password1"}', ls_P028_JWTToken)

If li_P028_GetJWTTokenReturn = 1 Then
 //Sets the JWT token
 lrc_P028.SetJwtToken( ls_P028_JWTToken)
 //Retrieves data for dw_Data
 lrc_P028.retrieve( dw_Data, "")
 //Prints the GetJWTToken error message if any
End If

Example 2

The following code example sets the JWT token authentication.

String ls_P028_JWTToken
Integer li_P028_GetJWTTokenReturn
JsonPackage ljpk_JWTINF
ljpk_JWTINF =Create JsonPackage
RestClient lrc_P028
lrc_P028 = Create RestClient
lrc_P028.SetRequestHeaders( "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8~r~nAccept-Encoding:gzip" ) //Sets the request header
//Gets the JWT token. The second parameter provides the value according to the token server request.
li_P028_GetJWTTokenReturn=lrc_P028.GetJWTToken("", '{"Username":"user1","Password":"password1"}', ls_P028_JWTToken)
If li_P028_GetJWTTokenReturn = 1 Then
 //If the token server returns the token as well as other information, gets the token first and then provides it to RestClient
 //in this example, the token server returns a JSON string which contains token, therefore, gets the token via the following scripts
 ljpk_JWTINF.Loadstring( ls_P028_JWTToken)
 If ljpk_JWTINF.ContainsKey( "token" ) Then
  ls_P028_JWTToken = ljpk_JWTINF.GetValueString( "token" )
 End If
 //Sets the JWT token
 lrc_P028.SetJwtToken( ls_P028_JWTToken)
 //Retrieves data for dw_Data
 lrc_P028.retrieve( dw_Data, "")
 //Prints the GetJWTToken error message if any
End If

See also
