Upload file packages

Step 1: Select the bucket in the Buckets pane.

Step 2: Click Upload in the Objects and Folders pane.

The Upload - Select Files wizard appears.

Figure 42. Upload -- Select Files

Upload -- Select Files

Step 3: Click Add Files.

Step 4: Select the file you want to upload and click Open.

Step 5: Click Start Upload.

You can check the progress of the upload in the Transfer pane. The Transfer pane appears at the bottom of the screen as soon as you begin the upload.

Figure 43. Transfers pane

Transfers pane

After the file is uploaded successfully to Amazon S3, it appears in the object list in the Objects and Folders pane.

For more information about AWS S3 user guidelines, see http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/Introduction.html.